28 days to go by Daithí

28 days to go, then we self propel ourselves across 28 countries, and run 28 ultramarathons! *scratches head*. How did this come about? How will we overcome the challenge? Where do we even start? 

It was presented to me by Paddy two years ago and we have been chipping away on the idea since, not only planning, but preparing ourselves mentally and physically. Hours of conversation over the phone when I was back home in Ireland, every hour outside of working hours here in Australia, is spent researching and running through the potential challenges along the route, thinking it through, finding a way to make this happen. Acquiring all the gear and getting ourselves in shape was the easy part and here we are with the mountainous challenge ahead of us.

Here is where the fun begins, we can prepare for everything to only a certain extent. What comes at us everyday on from the 4th of August will be unknown, will be a different challenge, and in that lies the beauty. Having to overcome these daily tasks, exploring, improvising and setting up home for another night in the wild, will bring out the best in us both. Exposed to nature, facing fear, and overcoming challenges. The main ingredient we have I think to overcome it all, is belief. Not only belief in ourselves as individuals but belief in each other, which has proven over the years to be a very powerful force. Some days when one hasn't got the fire in the belly, the other is feeding the flame. So with that we head into this adventure with a sense of fearlessness and joy, knowing that we will do "whatever it takes". 

What am I looking forward too the most? The freedom of living life on our own clock, no distractions, little stress, and seeing the benefits of all the things we tend on practicing along the way. 

For now, fit for the bed!

Is it the 4th yet? ;)
